
2005-03-21 |

Poland bans GM maize Mon 810

Poland has officially decided to ban the release of the only remaining EU approved GM maize, Monsantos Mon810. It joins Hungary and Austria, who have already banned the variety</p><p><a href="">Int. Herald Tribune: Poland bans biotech maize</a></p><p><a href="">Reuters: Poland to ban Monsanto GMO maize seed</a></p><p><a href="">Greenpeace Press Release</a>

2005-03-19 |

Half of Poland Declares Itself GMO Free

Mazowieckie Province (with capitol Warsaw),with a population of over five million, has become the sixth Province in Poland whose local authorities have passed a resolution declaring themselves a GMO Free Zone.Similar decisions were made by the boards of Podkarpackie, Malopolska (Krakow), Podlaskie (Bialystok), Lubelskie (Lublin) and Kajawsko-Pomorskie (Torun). Further, strong declarations of intent against GMO's have been made by the main farmers organisation in Donaslaskie. Together with single communities in different parts of Poland, in total almost half the Polish population are now living in an area where local authorities have declared GMO Free Zones.Another four Provinces are currently taking steps in this direction</p><p><a href="">Source: ICPPC</a>

2005-03-10 |

EU: Majority of EU member states against Mon 810

At the council of environment ministers Mrch 10th Hungary, Germany, Sweden, Cyprus, Italy, Denmark, Belgium, Greece, Poland, Luxembourg, Malta, Slovenia and Slovakia supported Austrian criticism of the EU Commissions policy on Monsantos Bt-maize Mon810, the only GMO presently allowed for cultivation in the EU. Austria and Hungary have banned Mon810 nationally against the 1998 EU approval. Poland also banned all 17 Mon810 varieties recently aproved by the Commission in the Common seed catalogue. Austria argues that no monitoring plan is in place and, as the old approval did not follow the new rules on GMOs, it had to be re-assessed in 2006 anyway. In the light of new scientific arguments against the safety of the plant, the 13 member states suggest to withold releases in 2005</p><p><a href="">Austrian submission to the Council on Mon 810</a></p><p><a href="">Greenpeace press release</a>

2005-03-10 |

Estonia: Campaign "GMO-free Estonia" launched

Estonian Council of Environmental NGOs (EKO), Estonian Farmers' Federation, Fund of Organic Agriculture, Center for Ecological Technologies, and Consumers' Organisations from four cities, are launching 10.03.2005 a campaign for establishment of GMO-free zones, which helps farmers to show, that they want to be GMO-free</p><p><a href="">For further information please contact Nastja Pertsjonok</a>

2005-03-03 |

Hungary: Illegal GMO imports suspected

Hungarian seed producers warned farmers on Wednesday about a suspected illegal inflow of genetically modified maize seed from Romania and called for government measures to stem it</p><p><a href="">Reuters via Planet Ark, 03 March 2005</a>

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