
2013-05-02 |

US public overwhelmingly rejects genetically engineered trees

By a majority of almost 99.99% to .01%, the US public overwhelming rejected steps toward the legalization of genetically engineered trees during the USDA APHIS public comment period that ended yesterday. The comments were in response to a petition by genetically engineered tree company ArborGen requesting permission to commercially sell their GE freeze tolerant eucalyptus trees. Calls for a ban on the technology flooded the APHIS office, through individual online comments, petitions and online virtual meetings.

2013-05-01 |

Global scientists back 10-year moratorium on field trials of Bt food crops

Even as the final report of the Supreme Court-appointed Technical Expert Committee on open field trials of genetically modified crops is awaited, 51 independent international scientists with expertise in genetic engineering and biosafety protocols have approved the panel’s Interim Report. The report has called for a 10-year moratorium on open field trials of Bt food crops until adequate regulatory mechanisms and safety standards are put in place.

2013-04-22 |

“Monsanto Protection Act” spreads to Oregon in new bill passed that will ban local control over food and farms

Last week, SB 633, a bill that strips all local control of agricultural seed and seed production and replaces it with a “one size fits all” policy dictated by the state passed out of the Rural Communities and Economic Development committee by a vote of 3 to 2 in favor. SB 633, known as Oregon’s Monsanto Protection Act, earned the support of the committee Chair, Arnie Roblan whose office has cited the passage of Section 735, known as Monsanto Protection Act, of H.R. 933, as justification of the dangerous new seed preemption bill that is now awaiting a full vote on the Oregon Senate floor.

2013-04-16 |

Rothamsted Research submits application to Defra to plant autumn-sown wheat as part of its GM field trial

Rothamsted Research has submitted an application to Defra to extend its current GM wheat field trial to include additional autumn-sown cadenza wheat. Rothamsted scientists believe it would be advantageous to gain further data from their experiment, in wheat planted at a different time of year and under different weather conditions with different aphid populations. This will give us additional data under a more diverse range of environmental conditions.

2013-04-12 |

GM maize failing in Brazil due to Bt-resistant pests

Brazilian news reported last week that GM maize fields are being destroyed by the pest the crop was designed to resist, the Fall army worm. Brazilian news reported last week that GM maize fields are being destroyed by the pest the crop was designed to resist, the Fall army worm. Farmers have reported that in the Federal District around the nation’s capital Brasília, and the state of Paraná, growing resistance in pests to the crop’s toxins is making GM-technology redundant. The maize variety is sold under the name Herculex.

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